Pilot operation for digital terrestrial television and interactive MHP applacations
The Moosbachers going „digital“

The Moosbacher family was immediately impressed, even the first time they turned on their television. Although they were still using the old antenna on top of their house and their five-year old television set, the picture was suddenly sharper than ever and the sound was clear as can be. And that was just the first in a long series of surprises their „new“ television had to offer. As Franz Moosbacher would say to his friends and co-workers, „The family has gone digital!“

The Moosbacher family had recently decided to take up a new television deal offered in their hometown of Graz:
DVB-T, short for Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial.
Or, in simpler terms, the Moosbachers still receive their usual television channels by antenna, but now in digital quality. Up to now, antenna reception has often been associated with poor picture quality. This new technology will put an end to that problem once and for all.

However, that is not all that digital television reception offers the Moosbacher family. The completely new videotext functions, which even allow you to shop using your remote control, still manage to amaze the family again and again.
Professionals call these applications „MHP portals“ or „digital data services“ because the old term „videotext“ doesn‘t quite fit this new and attractive product. This is not just because its graphic design is far more appealing and resembles web pages more than videotext. Whenever these functions are accessed, the image on the television screen is still displayed in miniature format, meaning that viewers don‘t have to miss a bit of the action.
Franz has decided to call the whole thing „digital video-text“ anyway. The clear and understandable content menus are easy to navigate with the arrow buttons on the remote control, and the menus offer background information on what is currently on TV, up-to-date news, weather reports and tips on cultural events. Only yesterday Franz and his wife went to an art exhibit in Graz because the photos of several works in their digital videotext had made it look so attractive.
Even a complete program guide with photos is available, and soon the viewer will even be able to look at real video clips from the shows.