Pilot operation for digital terrestrial television and interactive MHP applacations

Siemens Interactive Application Center (IAC)

In the !TV4GRAZ pilot project, adult users were given the opportunity to bet on football matches via „tipp3 live!“
(p. 60). Viewers under 18 years of age were not allowed to participate for legal reasons. However, they were allowed to request current songs from a jukebox application, thus enabling them to influence the content of the shows on the air. During each video, the nickname of the person who requested it was displayed on screen. A great deal of this interactivity was made possible by the IAC‘s central processing activities at Siemens. Not only the households themselves were stored in the comprehensive database, the various television broadcasters were able to set up and configure their services individually and to retrieve evaluations of
voting results.

From a „lean-back“ to a „lean-forward“ medium?

Bets and current odds were provided and updated via Internet before and during live football matches by tipp3, an Austrian sports betting company. If users are not sure how they won or lost points, they can retrieve their betting records from the IAC at Siemens. The IAC transfers updated information, odds and new voting options to the playout via a specially developed interface and then passes them forward for transmission. In order not to overload the playout with the large quantities of data in such updates, the data was collected and compressed at the IAC before being passed on to MHP portals. This is but one of the many demands which have arisen from this project and which were met rapidly and efficiently by Siemens‘ IAC developers.
The Interactive Application Center provided a flexible platform for !TV4GRAZ and played an important role in the playout of MHP-based interactive content offered by broadcasters, as well as handling all of the interactions on the return channel for each television provider. IAC‘s statistics clearly show that these functions were used frequently, and a great deal of evidence indicates that television may well become a „lean-forward“ medium in the future.