Themenbild Services der RTR

Service Desk for Artificial Intelligence

AI Service Desk

The legal basis for the AI Service Desk is Section 20c KOG and Section 194a TKG (Federal Law Gazette I No. 6/2024).

The Service Desk for Artificial Intelligence set up at RTR serves as a point of contact and information hub for the general public on the topic of AI. It also supports the implementation of the European AI Act. On these pages you will find information on the regulatory framework for the use of artificial intelligence as well as aspects relating to cybersecurity, data economy and its use in the media sector.

Our range of information is constantly being expanded and, unless otherwise stated, is freely licenced under CC BY 4.0. If you have any questions, you can contact us at any time. At the bottom of the page you will find the option to sign up for your own RTR-KI-Newsletter, which will be published in German regularly. You will also find links to our social media presence, where we also share information.

The AI Act

With theAI Act the EU makes one of the world's pioneers in the regulation of artificial intelligence. The AI Act ensures the safe use of AI systems, creates investment security through a clear legal framework and thus strengthens the research, development and use of AI systems. 

Actors Authorities & Bodies Deployer obligations FAQ General Information on the AI Act Provider obligations Risk levels of AI models Risk levels of AI systems Sanctions Time Frame Transparency obligations

Projects & Initiatives

The AI Service Desk is one of several initiatives that support the Austrian AI ecosystem. On this linked page, we provide an overview of other initiatives that provide information on AI.

Projects & Initiatives


Several international organisations are involved in artificial intelligence. We have compiled the most important information for you.

International Organisations & AI


Artificial Intelligence Mission Austria 2030 Event calendar at AI Austria OECD: AI Policies in Austria Digital Austria
How do you like the information provided by the AI Service Desk? We look forward to your feedback at

How do you like the information provided by the AI Service Desk? We look forward to your feedback at

Read more from the AI Service Desk


AI Act

Authorities & Bodies

Deployer obligations

Provider obligations

GPAI models and risk levels of AI models

Risk levels of AI systems


Information, disclosure and labelling obligations

Time Frame & Realisation



Telefon: +43 1 58058-0
Montag bis Donnerstag von 8.00 bis 16.00 Uhr
und Freitag von 8.00 bis 14.00 Uhr

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