Block 2

Frequency Block 2

Frequency range: 3438-3466/3538-3566 MHz

This frequency block was available throughout Austria except in the province of Vorarlberg.

The table below shows the users (expiring 2019-12-31) of this block (broken down by region).

User Region(s) Procedure(s) Label used in assignment procedure
Otto M. Steinmann a, b, c, d, i F5/04, F1/10-4, F8/12-10 1B
B.Net e F1/08 B2
EVN f F1/09 A2
Salzburg AG n, p F1/08, F2/09 G2A,G2B

o F1/09 G2
LinzNet g F1/13 G
NETcompany m F3/13 Kärnten
available h, k, l, q, r