2600 MHz

Paired band

The 2,6 GHz FDD-band (band 7) has a bandwidth of 2x70 MHz and consists of 14 paired 5 MHz frequency blocks in the 2500-2690 MHz range.

The frequency band was assigned as part of the F4/08  award  in  2010. Licences  are  set  to  expire  on  31 December 2026.
In the year 2021 the usage rights were adjusted in accordance with changed Union law (Implementing Decision (EU) 2020/636).

 To avoid any disruptive effects, timely reassignment is to be pursued before these licences expire.  

To avoid disruptive effects, every effort should be made to award this spectrum before the expiry of the existing licences at the end of 2026. In the past, a lead time of one to two years has proven appropriate.  As stated, the regulatory authority is contemplating the option of assigning the entire band as a TDD  band.  A  fundamental  goal  of  spectrum  award  is  to  ensure  its  most  efficient  usage.  The regulatory  authority  considers  long-term  TDD  usage  to  be  more  appropriate  for  furthering  this goal than the current mixed FDD/TDD usage with the guard bands needed for this configuration. The current spectrum agreements with neighbouring countries are based on the FDD/TDD usage scenario, which underlay the award conditions in 2010. TDD usage is already possible in border areas  where  protection  for  FDD  systems  in  spectrum sub-ranges  can  be  assured.  Any  usage restrictions  would  continue  to  apply  until  the  signing  of  amended  agreements  on  the  basis  of recent technological advances. Depending on the transition date to TDD, a longer lead time may be needed for re-planning the band. Where requested by market participants, an earlier award procedure  may  therefore  be  conceivable,  linked  to  voluntary  transition  at  an  earlier  date. However, the award date cannot be considered in relation to this band in isolation but must be decided  in  the  context  of  the  other  award  procedures.

At  the  moment,  the frequency band consists of paired spectrum  (FDD  usage) and unpaired spectrum in the middle of the band (TDD usage):

2600 TDD
2600 MHz Spectrum - Assignment in TDD © CC BY 4.0
Frequenz 2600 Uebersicht
© RTR (CC BY-SA 4.0)

 Allocation procedure 2010

The following figure shows the current allocation for the paired frequency band:

2600 FDD Detail
© RTR (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Hutchison 3G*: License holder formerly Orange Austria, now Hutchison Drei Austria GmbH

Procedures and consultations

The following procedures and consultations regarding this frequency range have been carried out:

Last update: March 16, 2022